
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Menifee Heritage Lake Lions Opens With a Roar

One of my dad’s favorite stories to tell about his grandkids comes from when my middle son, Jeremiah, was about 4 or 5 years old. My wife and I were at work and he was on “Grandpa Duty”. The Men’s Group from church was helping with some repairs at a local convalescent home. He signed himself and my son up to paint the banisters outside. As he described for him the work they would be doing, he asked Jeremiah if he understood why they were doing this. My son simply responded, “Because they need our help?”

When I heard this I was instantly filled with pride. This told me that my son was beginning to understand his place in the world, and that he didn’t really need a reason to help someone. He is 11 years old now, and while he may not be as sweet or innocent as he was back then, he is still a pretty good kid. He reflects the values that I hold important and I can tell that he is following my example.

That’s why when I first heard about Lion’s Club International opening up a chapter in Heritage Lake back in April I was happy to sign up. Through my many years volunteering with the Boy Scouts of America I had worked plenty of charity events alongside various Lions Clubs. Lions Club International is a civic-minded organization with Duty to God and Duty to Community at it’s center, much like the BSA. Their motto is “We Serve” and Menifee Heritage Lake Lions club has taken that motto to heart. There a few service projects that we have already taken on:

  • We will be collecting toys and blankets for the Sheriff’s Dept. to keep in their trunks as an emergency “care package” when an incident arises involving children.
  • We are in the process of collecting toys, books, clothing, toiletries, and common household items for a local battered women’s shelter. For obvious security reasons then exact “who” and “where” are kept quiet, but that doesn’t change the fact that help is needed.
  • We have been able to assist in adding much needed transportation services for the community of Menifee at McCall Blvd & Packard St. in collaboration with the Riverside Transit Agency – Dial-A-Ride Program.
  • We are collecting pull tabs from beverage cans to benefit the Ronald McDonald House in Loma Linda.
  • We are collecting eyeglasses for California Friends in Sight to benefit those in need of prescription eyewear through vision and eye exams at no cost to the recipient.
We meet every first and third Monday of the month at Merna’s CafĂ© at 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd in Sun City, which is where we will be hosting our official Charter Night Fundraiser on Saturday July 25th at 6pm. We still have about 8 tickets available for the public which include dinner and entertainment. Anyone wishing to attend please RSVP to Lion Peggy at